Sunday, August 29, 2010

"It's Rika Time"- Serenyty is jealous

Note: I found these pics on If you like Rika, visit there, because it's amaazing.

Lately Rika's been doing dinner shows that have the cutest names to me; "It's Rika Time"? "Chu! Rika Party~" So adorable. It's at this point I am insanely jealous of all the Japanese wota out there who get to go to these dinner shows in a fairly small venue and eat dinner and watch nothing but Rika. The price tag for these events is pretty steep, but it definitely seems worth it.

Sooo at this point I'm hoping that when I study abroad (in about a year and a half, I think; I'm aiming for the second semester of my junior year) that Rika will still be doing these and I can go and it will be amazing.

Also, I don't know if everyone got them, but there are a lot of pictures of two-shots (pictures of fans posing with Rika), so if I got one of those I'm pretty positive I would cry of happiness. No joke.

Still, it seems pretty nice, these two-shots. The one thing that makes me infinitely confused is why no one has Rika do the "Gucha~" pose with them, which is holding the thumb and index finger in kind of an L shape next to your face. That's what I'd personally get if I was getting a two-shot with her. 

Ah, well. I can always hope, and I'm REALLY hoping hard that I'll be able to go to one of these kinds of events when I'm in Japan.

1 comment:

  1. Hi nice to meet another Rika fan ^^

    btw: you can check out my tumblr blog mostly rika related

    and Yes is the best place for rika fans :)
